Harvard Expert Claims Fat-Freezing ‘Safe And Effective For Weight Loss’

Fat-Freezing Is It Safe And Effective For Weight Loss Chingford Hatch?

Many men and women struggle with their weight, with lots being unable to shed those last few pounds or get rid of their saddlebags, mummy pouches or love handles.

That is why a fat-freezing treatment like cryolipolysis could be the ideal solution, with a Harvard expert praising it as a good way to get rid of unwanted fat.

The Stats:

According to a government survey, nearly a third (28.7 per cent) of adults in England were obese in 2017, and an additional 35.6 per cent were classified as overweight.

Therefore, nearly two-thirds of the country was shown to be carrying too much weight. In fact, 3.6 per cent of all adults were even morbidly obese, which means their lives were being put at risk due to their unhealthy eating habits.

These statistics show the urgency for men and women to change their lifestyle, eat a more balanced and nutritious diet and hit the gym to increase their activity output.

Simple Advice :

While this advice is simple, a huge proportion of people who embark on a healthier lifestyle struggle to maintain it and fail to lose the weight they want.

In fact, it is believed that only a fifth of dieters last a month and a quarter do it for three months, according to findings from UCLA.

Those who last for half a year manage to shed five to ten per cent of their weight, which is great news.

However, the university researchers found that up to two-thirds of these people regain the weight they worked hard to lose .

That is why finding an alternative to dieting is tempting for so many people, and a procedure like cryolipolysis Fat-Freezing could help shift those unwanted pounds that can be difficult to shed through dieting or exercise alone.

According to dermatologist and research fellow at Harvard University Neera Nathan this fat-freezing procedure “appears to be a safe and effective treatment for fat loss without the downtime of liposuction or surgery”.

She looked at the science behind it, showing how cold-induced fat necrosis could be used to help adults lose fat from their bodies, as it demonstrated that cooled fat cells die after a few days.

Furthermore, Ms Nathan added: “Over the next few months, macrophages, part of the immune system’s clean-up crew, digest the dead fat cells.”

As well as being successful, cryolipolysis Fat-Freezing are quick and simple.

They do not require anaesthesia, unlike liposuction, which comes with risks; it produces very little pain; does not mean clients have to take time off work afterwards, and the procedure itself only takes around half an hour.

The side effects that do occur, such as swelling, tingling, numbness and redness, are minor and Ms Nathan commented that they “will resolve within several months after cryolipolysis Fat-Freezing ”.

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